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Observer Program

Lane Fire Authority observer program is a way for the general public or other Fire/EMS personnel to get the experience of emergency medicine in the field.

Experience a career in EMS firsthand

Please read through our Observer Program Guidelines found below, completed application and emergency notification form should be emailed to  Once your completed application and emergency notification forms have been received a member of LFAs training division will be in contact with you to discuss options and scheduling for an observation ride, incomplete applications will not be accepted.

Why apply for the Observer Program?
  • Observers get a unique opportunity to experience the fast-paced environment of emergency services first-hand.

  • Participants in the observer program can deepen their connection to the community by actively engaging in critical community services

  • Participating in the observer program allows individuals to meet and network with professionals in the field of EMS.

  • Being part of the observer program can help develop important skills such as quick decision-making, effective communication, and teamwork

Cracked Concrete Wall

How to get started

To get started, complete the application and emergency notification forms above and email both to

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